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Keep scrolling to learn more and watchĀ Dr. Karen's Peace Emerging ProtocolĀ Meditation!
In this Peace Emerging Protocol Meditation, you will be resonating in the Zero-Point Field.Ā Ā The Peace Vibration from this space will amplify through your heart field to your whole being, your home, community, and beyond.
The Peace Emerging Protocol was first introduced when a Light Warrior student urgently called for help among Dr. Karen's Community during a time when there were violent clashes on the street outside her home and she was afraid for her life. Dr. Karen led the Community through the Peace Emerging Protocol and within 24-hours, the violenceĀ ceasedĀ and all the protesters left the area! It was a true miracle.
This recording is taken from Dr. Karen's LiveĀ Light Warrior Training CampĀ and editedĀ to add visuals, however, closing your eyes and experiencing the meditation through your own imagination is often even more powerful. Enjoy!